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Need a head or a fresh start in optimizing your Data Center? Have questions or concerns but nary a professional in sight or at your fingertips to reach out to? Too easy! We got this. Pick up the phone, or drop us a line on our email and let us know what you need.
NenZen has hands-on experience with Data Center operations and customizations. Worried about which vendor to use? Proprietary or Open source? It’s okay. Let’s have a chat and we can figure this out together and assess your needs so we can get your Data Center modernized. We will turn that inflexible hard to scale and deploy Data Center, into a robust, Single, or Multi-tenet solution that is amazingly scalable as it is flexible!
NenZen can assist you with:
- Modernization of your legacy Data Center infrastructure
- Solution sets for software-defined (SDDC) or hardware focused
- Cost efficiency and Agility. These have always been the Achilles of any Data Center. But that can call change with a single phone call or email! Gone are the days of static infrastructure! Mobile architectures are the new wave!
- Security
- Storage arrays
- EDC (Enterprise Data Center) solutions
- MSDC (Managed Services Data Center) solutions
- CoLDC (Colocation Data Center) solutions
- CDC (Cloud Data Center) solutions